Samuel Automation & ATG Mexico Investment Highlight

We are always looking to improve the experience we offer our customers and today, we’re pleased to share one of the ways we’re doing that.

Two of our businesses – Samuel Automation and our Associated Tube Group in Mexico – have partnered to build two robotic cells to increase product quality and decrease production time for our automotive customers, particularly suppliers of direct injection fuel systems. With these robotic cells, we’re able to increase production time and reduce the risk of error by automatically verifying the length and diameter of each tube. Still in its initial stages, this project will decrease production time by 28%, with full integration and final testing to be completed by October.

“When we initially sat down with the ATG team, they were just looking for us to duplicate the automation that was already in place on their other lines,” shares Robert Veldhuis, VP of Sales, Samuel Automation. “However, our engineers saw an opportunity for improvement and suggested an approach that will increase production by almost 50%. Needless to say, that was very well received and a significant win for the project.”

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