
Investing To Meet Market Demands

Fuel is the single greatest cost for any airline. As a result, many manufacturers are creating new engines, structural and interior components to develop lighter weight aircrafts. To support this innovation, we’re going beyond traditional subtractive manufacturing techniques and investing in additive manufacturing capabilities to produce complex structures that are lighter, faster and stronger.

Lighter, Faster And Stronger Aircrafts

Additive manufacturing enables you to:

  • Lighten engines by consolidating parts: This enables planes to fly further, while reducing fossil fuel consumption.
  • Reduce the number of individual components: This means you have less failure points, which increases aircraft dependability and passenger safety, while simultaneously lowering your maintenance costs.
  • Improve fuel efficiency: This translates into lower CO2 emissions and less cost-per-passenger mile.

It is worth noting that making engines more fuel efficient can cause them to run hotter. In short, lightweighting is a great solution with a number of benefits, but it doesn’t solve all challenges. That’s why it’s essential to partner with a solutions-oriented vendor, who understands your unique needs, and can supply the right technology to address them.

Additive Manufacturing: Burloak Technologies

Burloak Technologies, a division of Samuel, is investing in the future of aerospace manufacturing with the launch of a new, state-of-the-art Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence. We are the only supplier globally to take a completely technology-agnostic approach and have opened operations in our 40,000 square-foot facility.

Aiming to accelerate the industry’s adoption of additive manufacturing, Burloak Technologies provides every service required to move customer projects from concept, to optimized design for additive manufacturing (DFAM), to full-scale production, all in one location. Our in-house engineering, manufacturing and metrology capabilities make Burloak one of the few full-service suppliers in the industry.

With expertise in engineering, CNC machining, reverse engineering part finishing, and metrology, Burloak Technologies uses state-of-the-art 3D manufacturing systems to create prototypes, production and replacement parts directly from digital data and powdered metal or plastic.

Together with our clients, we are working to recreate component and process specifications and move additive manufacturing from a prototyping technology to a certified production technology. With a commitment to invest in top talent, equipment and processes, Burloak Technologies is the ideal partner for aerospace companies looking to reduce their buy-to-fly weight ratio.

Samuel’s commitment to offering the best technical resources and equipment also extends beyond our additive manufacturing facility. By investing in things like new laser trimming machines at Missouri Metals we can continue to raise the bar on quality and throughput, while keeping supply flowing reliably to our customers.

Our service centers are strategically located for cost-effective distribution, processing & just-in-time delivery.